5 Quick On-Page SEO Tips

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5 Most Important On-Page SEO Tips for 2023

Today we’ll be discussing the 5 Important on-page SEO optimization Tips for 2023 you can implement to improve your site and rank higher in the major search engines. Google especially loves a well-optimized page, so when it comes to On-Page SEO, you have to ensure you get it right, and we’re here to help you do just that!

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So let’s get to it:

5 On-Page SEO Optimization Tips to Rank Higher

1. Keywords: Before you do anything, you must know what your target market wants and what they are searching for. Making a list with one main keyword or phrase, 2-3 secondary, and at least 5 LSI (long-tail keyword phrases) is vital to increasing the chances of being seen online through organic search results. A great free tool you can use to determine search volumes and terms being used most frequently is Google’s Adwords Keyword tool.

2. Meta Tags: Once you have your keywords, it’s time to set up your meta tags. These include your Header, Description, and Image ALT tags. Whenever you post something online, make sure your Header (H1 tag for main headline, H2 tags for sub-headers) and Description tags (used to entice users to click) contain your keyword/phrase. Don’t use the exact phrase more than once, but feel free to add a secondary/LSI phrase in the description tag (no more than 160 characters). Overdoing it will do more harm than good. ALT tags you use for images. Upload images using your keyword, i.e., on-page-seo.png, and include your key phrases in the ALT tag (keep it short and sweet). Here’s a thorough guide on how meta tags work.

3. Content: Now it’s time for great, valuable, informative content. Make sure you answer the search query (keywords) your users searched for on Google. The more value and information you provide, the better. If you answer that query perfectly, your chances of ranking high increase by a thousand. Use your primary keyword/phrase in the first paragraph and the last. Use secondary and LSI keywords in between. This is one of the essential parts of On-Page optimization, so make sure you make it as good as possible. Content is King.

4. Links: The most crucial part of On-Page SEO and links is how and what you link to. Inter-link to your relevant pages to provide extra info to the reader, help them expand their knowledge, and broaden their query and understanding. Wikipedia is an excellent example of how to use interlinking to maximum effect. As for Outbound Links (OBL), don’t be afraid to link to authority sites in your niche if they’ve already answered what you’re trying to explain in a better way. Also, make sure you understand the difference between Nofollow and Dofollow links.

5. Social Media: Finally, ensure readers can share your content with their social network of choice. Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Instagram are the biggest ones you’ll want to make available. There are great plugins to help you achieve that, or if you’re a designer, using the API of these platforms is easy and comes with excellent guides. Social sharing is a must-have for any page/post, and you never know when your content might go viral, which will boost your rankings and open a flood of organic traffic to your site.

Best On-Page SEO Practices

Best On-Page SEO Tips Summary

So to summarize the best on-page optimization practices, keep your content fresh and engaging by using relevant keywords (don’t forget the tags), links, and media (pictures and videos). Also, ensure you allow users to share your content and always put the reader’s needs first by providing the best possible solution to their search queries. If you implement these 5 On-site SEO practices today, you’re bound to see a difference in no time!

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