How to Make Money during the Corona Pandemic

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Make Money During the Corona Pandemic

Are you looking for ways to generate extra income during the Corona pandemic? It seems most of us need some emergency cash after the Corona outbreak struck worldwide. So today I want to share with you fast and easy ways on how to make money during the Covid-19 pandemic.

If you're willing to put in the time and effort required, you'd be happy to know that there are a ton of ways to generate passive profits online. Making money online while you sleep is not as hard as you might think.

What I'm about to share with you is a very short version of how to generate income during Covid-19. Know that it takes ACTION and determination. I'm not going to talk about doing online surveys, low-pay data entry jobs, watching videos or playing games for pennies. That's not making money, that's wasting valuable time.

No, I want you to make serious money during and after Covid-19, not waste your time with the shiny push-button riches crap you see all over the internet with promises of riches, only to pay you a few cents (or nothing at all) after putting in hours of work or forking out your hard earned cash.

This is no push-button magic, this is hard work. But if you're willing to sacrifice some of your time in order to to generate massive profits during Covid-19, then you're in luck today. 

We're not doing surveys, data entry or solving captchas. We're going to make you money, build a business that will make money in your sleep. We're going to WORK for it, and MAKE it work. Are you in?

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Here's how you can get started making money online with minimal investment during this Corona pandemic that has crumbled so many businesses. If you're scared of a little work, close this page now. If not, great! 

It's time to take control of your finances, without having to rely on employers and banks. Let's get started >>

Step 1: Think about what it is you like doing, what is it you're good at? Make a list of at least 5 things and think about which one you think would be the most profitable. How can you make money with it, and IF you think you can make money online with it during Covid-19. 

Some of the steps below might require some financial investment, so if you need some emergency cash and/or REALLY don't have a cent to invest at the moment, freelancing would be your best bet at the moment. Once you've generated some funds through freelancing, you can invest your profits into the following steps to scale up your income during this Covid-19 outbreak.

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The best freelancing sites to make money online during Corona are Guru and Upwork. Both are free to join and easy to get you started. Now, let's get on with it. The following steps will focus more on affiliate and internet marketing. Building a solid, profitable online business that will generate money for years to come, during and after the Corona virus epidemic.

Step 2: Next, you're going to need a website if you're serious about creating a new income stream during this Corona nightmare of 2020. The best free options are WordPress and Google Sites, however, if you want your own domain (which is very affordable) name, I suggest Hostgator's Cloud hosting with WordPress installed (which is exactly what I'm using right now on this blog you're reading). 

Choose a domain name relevant to your niche if possible, keep it short and easy for readers to remember. Set up your basic pages like Privacy Policy, Disclaimers, Terms of Service and most importantly, a "Contact Us" page.

Step 3: Now you're going to need some content, so for starters I suggest writing 4 or 5 articles on your chosen subject. How-to articles and other helpful tips are recommended, keep SEO in mind. If you don't know what SEO (search engine optimization) is, here is a free SEO guide that takes you step-by-step through the process of writing great articles that will rank on Google and other search engines. 

Step 4: Once your website is up and running, you should start getting some traffic if you're lucky (we'll scale up the traffic later). But before we start focusing on getting more traffic to your pages, we need to make sure we're not missing out on potential leads for our business. 

How we get leads during the Corona epidemic, which we'll later convert into fat profits, is through a lead magnet and autoresponder. A lead magnet is something you offer readers in exchange for their email address like in the sidebar of this (or your) page, or a standalone landing page like this one

The autoresponder is a tool you use to send scheduled emails to your list you've built. Sharing helpful tips and promoting your other products/services, or that of others for a commission. The autoresponder I recommend and use to make money during the Corona pandemic is GetResponse. You can get a 30-day free trial by clicking here to test things for yourself.

If you're using WordPress like I am, 2 great programs (which I also use) to build landing pages is Thrive Architect and to generate leads I use Thrive Leads (with GetResponse, of course).

Step 5: Now that you have your website and lead magnet set up, it's time to generate traffic to your website or blog. The best way to generate traffic and start making money while Covid-19 plays out, is through YouTube. 

Video marketing is the way to go if you're serious about making money online during this Corona pandemic. The beauty of this is, that you don't need to be on camera or even record your own voice in order to make great videos if you don't want to. 

You can use a tool like Vidnami, -the only video creation tool we recommend to those looking to get started making videos FAST. They offer a 14-day Free Trial to make as many videos as you want, so definitely check them out.

Vidnami allows you to turn any articles into professional videos within minutes, voice-overs and royalty-free music, images and background videos included. It's so simple a 3-year old can do it. 

Other ways to generate traffic and generate an income during Covid 19 is through social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn (my 3 personal favourites). Discussion forums are another great way to drive traffic to your website or blog and start making and online income during Corona. 

I hope this helps you in some way, if you're a bit lost and would like help, I'd be more than willing to work with you to help you get where you need to be financially. Get in touch through our contact us page if you have any questions whatsoever, or jump in the deep end through this link.

Wishing you nothing but the best during this Covid-19 nightmare. Soon you'll start making serious cash during Corona if you just stay focused. Take care. 

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