10 Proven Digital Marketing Strategies by Top Brands

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Proven Digital Marketing Strategies by Top Brands

Today we're looking at 10 Internet Marketing Strategies used by Top Brands to market their businesses and generate huge profits.

Internet marketing, more commonly referred to as "Digital Marketing," is when we use the internet, social media, blogging, emails, and any electronic devices to find new customers.

The digital marketing trend is growing daily as more businesses look for ways to increase sales and generate leads through online brand building.

On that note, let's look at 10 digital marketing strategies used by top brands today:

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10 Digital Marketing Tips to Grow your Brand Online

1. Content Marketing & SEO is vital in marketing your business online and is our favorite strategy.

2. Leverage Social Media platforms to build your brand and connect with customers, giving you great insight into your market's needs.

3. Optimize your website and content for mobile devices, ensuring that your site displays just as well on phones and tablets as a drastic increase in mobile traffic.

4. Always build your website with your audience in mind, keeping your UI (user interface) clean and simple to use to ensure you optimize your loading speed.

5. Use Google's excellent free tools, including Google Console, Analytics, and Keyword Planner.

6. Build a subscriber list using an autoresponder, which allows you to market directly to highly targeted leads.

Our #1 recommendation is GetResponse, which we use to build our lists and generate leads.

7. Use PPC (Pay-per-click) campaigns and set aside a paid advertising budget.

Google Ads, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram are great platforms to advertise your business.

Also, look for advertising opportunities on niche-specific forums with high traffic volumes, as this can generate many targeted leads for your business.

8. Use infographics by hiring a photoshop expert, web designer, or do it yourself using a free platform like Canva.

9. Split-test everything and closely monitor your analytics to improve your marketing campaigns and overall ROI (return on investment).

10. Network with other small business owners in your niche; collaborating with them will open up another income stream and is essentially a win-win for both parties involved.

We hope you found these ten digital marketing tips used by top brands valuable and wish you the best of luck with your online ventures.

If you need any help with your internet marketing campaigns, we're always here and willing to help, give us a shout.

Thanks for reading, and best of luck with your online marketing ventures.

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