3 Habits that Guarantee Success, reduce anxiety, increase productivity and stop Procrastination
Improve your focus, reduce anxiety and stop procrastinating with these three habits for personal growth that guarantee success no matter what niche or market you're in. Let's get started.
Good Lifestyle Habits of the Wealthy and Successful
Number 1: Plan your days ahead.
Many of us procrastinate because we don't plan our days.
Instead, we scramble frantically, trying to do everything at once, and at the end of the day, achieve very little in productivity.
Plan your day ahead of time, a few hours before bed. Make a list and put the most critical task at the top.
Number 2: Start your day the right way.
It's a well-known fact that many, if not all, successful marketers and entrepreneurs attack the early hours of the morning.
Wake up early, before the sun rises. Force yourself to get out of bed.
Now I love sleeping in. But since I started waking up at 4:45 each morning, my productivity has increased tenfold.
That gives me 15 minutes to get up, have a big glass of water that fuels my brain, go to the bathroom and brush my teeth.
At 5 AM, I start a morning routine used by some of the world's most successful people in business.
What's that, you might ask? It's called the 20/20/20 rule.
That is 20 minutes of intense exercise; as many push-ups, sit-ups & burpees as possible are excellent.
The secret here is to make sure you sweat, which releases the chemical that makes us lazy, giving you a massive boost in energy.
The second 20 minutes is for meditation, which is as simple as sitting up straight, concentrating solely on your breathing and nothing else.
This drastically increases focus, reduces anxiety, and makes you think much more straightforwardly than you usually would.
Then there are the last 20 minutes before I get ready to take my son to school.
During the final 20 minutes, you should read a book that motivates and inspires you or try to learn something new.
That's the 20/20/20 rule. If you want a more in-depth explanation of the 20/20/20 rule, check out a book called "The 5 AM club" by Robin Sharma.
Do your best to make a habit of this, and you'll be so impressed with the results that you'll never want to sleep late again.
Okay, maybe not never, but you get the point.
It makes a massive difference in terms of productivity and focus.
Suppose you have a few minutes to spare, get outside and get some sunlight into your eyes. I don't mean stare into the sun, be out.
Early morning sunrays do wonders for the human brain.

Number 3: Do the most important tasks first without procrastinating
Now I know this isn't always easy, as it used to be very hard for me as a former master procrastinator.
I'd have my daily task list all set up and do everything BUT that challenging or tedious task.
I'd move it onto tomorrow's list, then tomorrow, move it to the day after's list.
I'm sure some of you watching or reading this knows exactly what I'm talking about.
That needs to stop NOW.
What works for me is a method called "Do the task or do nothing at all."
My problem was, and I know I'm not the only one, I’d do EVERYTHING except what I planned to do the day before.
Oh, I better water the plants first, time for more coffee, better check if the dog has enough water first, etc.
At the end of the day, I've achieved very little, but the plants were watered, I'd be buzzed from too much coffee, and overall just very disappointed in myself for not doing what I intended to get done that day.
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That constant guilt drove me insane, promising that tomorrow would be different, only to repeat the process day after day.
If that sounds like you, try this and be disciplined with this little trick.
Do the task, or do nothing at all. Simple as that.
If that means staring at the screen, staring out the window, or daydreaming, so be it. But DON'T DO ANYTHING!
Unless, of course, it's the task set out before you.
That works for me; I’d instead work on my tasks than stare at the wall.
Remember, little progress every day is MASSIVE progress over time. Hence the saying: "Rome wasn't built in a day."
Start with 90 minutes in the morning, then move your way up to 4 hours.
Watch your productivity soar!
That's it. Drink a lot of water during the day, keep distractions to a minimum, and plan ahead.
Don't be your worst enemy; try these tips and conquer that procrastinating little demon in your head holding you back.
If I can do it... YOU can do it!